Hi, all. Winter is my least favorite time of year. That's why last year I enjoyed skipping the whole thing by staying in a place where the temperature doesn't go below fifty degrees (most of the time). That being said, I am here and it's cold as all hell but it's okay. First of all, I wanted to mention that my publisher has a brand spanking new website. They haven't put up all the books yet but a couple of mine are up there. They are all still available on Amazon and Barnes&Noble as usual. Here's the link. http://www.books-by-wings-epress.com/#!blood-brothers/ebf2h
I thought it might be fun to post some pictures that just take you straight to summer. (Photo taken in South Africa last year)
Ah, can you feel it?
Just imagine all that green! (Photo taken in Charlottesville Virginia)
Ah, yellow flowers. Does it get more Summery than that? (Photo taken in South Africa last year)
If squash growing doesn't make you think of summer, nothing will! (Photo taken in South Africa last year)
Hollyhocks in Santa Fe. (Taken this last summer)
So, I hope you are all getting through Winter the best you can. I know some people actually like winter. I can't help those people...
If you haven't been here for awhile, you might enjoy the articles I've been writing for Aneis de Vida magazine. It's a fantastic free on-line magazine. Here's a link to my latest article called Breakfast Sisters. http://issuu.com/aneisdevida/docs/january_issue2016?e=13670524/32433901
Have a great week and dream of summer!