It’s Sunday and I’m happy to be home. I was ‘helping’ my husband with his job, but today it was slow and there wasn’t much to do. I used my time to read a new book I bought called, “The Idiots Guide to Getting Your Book Published.” They certainly reached their target audience with me.
I sat there gleaning helpful hints like, “Spend hours in your local bookstore, and also, hours online.” Sage advice but since I already do that every day, and no one has offered me a book deal, I question their wisdom.
They also suggested that I surround myself with writers. John Grisham lives in our city, maybe we can hang out. I’m pretty sure that this book is at least sixty percent nonsense. Since I am only halfway finished, I can’t be sure yet.
I printed out a copy of my novel in progress. Its 105 pages long. Still not long enough. I think some more people may have to die.
Have a lovely Sunday.
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